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Error Code 6

Error 6 is always caused by a malfunctioning motor.

First off, once you get an Err 6, DO NOT try and trouble shoot this yourself by resetting the system, turning it off and on, or anything like that. Doing so will only escalate the problem by burning out other components.

Please answer the following questions to help us understand where the problem lies

  1. When during the roast or cool process did the message occur?
  2. Was there anything abnormal that occurred just prior to the error message appearing? Such abnormal things might be a jammed drum, a drum that fell off the bracket, or a bean fire. If YES please explain.
  3. Unplug the roaster. Place the cylinder in the roasting chamber as if to roast coffee. Now place you hand on top of the cylinder and manually attempt to turn the cylinder.
    a) Does the cylinder spin freely like a roulette wheel? Yes or No
    b) Does the cylinder move but with great resistance? Yes or No
    c) Does the cylinder appear to be frozen in position? Yes or No
  4. Was the cylinder hindered or blocked from rotating? Yes or No
  5. If necessary would you feel comfortable doing a motor swap if provided full instructions? Yes or No

Thank you for your assistance in helping us determine the best course of action needed to rectify your situation. Please fill out the Customer Support Form including pertinent data from above and we will be in contact.

No tech support can be provided without full name, address, telephone number, email address, where purchased, date purchased and last six digits of the serial number. No Exceptions

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