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  3. Brazen Plus Brewer
  4. I am not happy with the flavor of my coffee.

I am not happy with the flavor of my coffee.

Coffee offers many flavor elements, and the Brazen Brewer is a hot water delivery system that should not really affect flavor. Coffee origins have different flavor characteristics and roast profiles, the freshness of the roast date, water temperature, and pre-soak time are just a few of the attributes that go in to the flavor of a brewed cup of coffee. It’s a journey, each offering a different result.

Experiment with the grind, brew temperature, pre-soak times and the coffee itself.

Adjusting Pre-soak: The fresher the roast, the longer the pre-soak should be. This allows for the “bloom” or degassing of fresh coffee to dissipate before full the brewing cycle. Less fresh roasts do not generally require as long of a pre-soak time. Fresh roasts under 3 days old may benefit from a pre-soak of 1 ½ minutes. Pre-ground coffee or coffee without a roast date can use a shorter or no pre-soak time.

Question: What is the suggested presoak for weak and over extracted?
Answer: This is a journey and you will need to experiment. Try reducing your presoak time, grinding less fine, reducing your brew temperature, and check your grounds to water ratio.
The full pot SCAA standard is 66 grams/ EU standard is 78 grams (8-10 Tbsp of coffee per full pot).

Question: How do you program the presoak time?
Answer: It is not possible to program no presoak time. The minimum is 15 seconds.

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