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Five Key Factors to Great Coffee

Water: 98+% of your coffee is water, so if your water tastes bad, so will your coffee.

  1. Tap Water contains chemicals Chloramine, Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide, and can contain arsenic, lead, bromide and more. It is ill advised to be used in brewing coffee for how it taints coffee and clogs/ destroys ALL coffee equipment in time with hardened lime/ calcium sediment. If you use hard tap water- clogging WILL occur!!
  2. Soft water should be avoided as the salts can inhibit full extraction of the coffee’s true character.

We recommend purified water and/or reverse osmosis systems which reintroduce some minerals for stability and coffee flavor.

*** ~85% of all Tap Water in the USA is hard water which leads to heavy scaling. We’ve found

Quality Brew Equipment: Water temperature and water dispersion over the grounds for even extraction are integral to great coffee. The Brazen Plus and Behmor Connected brew systems meets the SCAA, ECCB and SCAE criteria in those areas.

Freshness of Roast: All coffee should be datecoded (date of roasting) and ideally less than 7 days old when it arrives. Home roasting coffee is the perfect way to control this.

Quality of the bean: Always buy from reputable suppliers, and/ or roasters who date code their coffee and stand behind the quality

Quality of the grind: There are many types of grinders from inexpensive helicopter flat blade styles to high end burr grinders. The more even and consistent your grind the better your coffee will taste as the water will extract the character more evenly.

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